All about Insulin Pumps for adults and
children with diabetes
  This forum is supported by your contributions to Insulin Pumpers

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Planned Giving
(more creative ways to give)
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Business Sponsor's Program

Planned Giving

Meet your financial goals and help support Insulin Pumpers by arranging to make a long-term donation.

Ways to Give
Gifts of Cash
Gifts of Securities
Gifts of Life Insurance
IRA's and Retirement Plans
Charitable Bequests
Charitable Gift Annuity
Charitable Remainder Trust
Charitable Lead Trust
Pooled Income Fund
Wealth Replacement Trust

Gifts of Cash

The most straightforward way to give is simply a gift of cash. However, a cash gift is only deductible for income tax purposes in the year the contribution is made and is limited to 50% of adjusted gorss income for the taxable year, but any excess is deductible over the next five years. If you think your estate will be subject to estate tax at your death, bear in mind that you receive a federal gift tax charitable deduction for the value of gifts of cash made during your lifetime.