
Pumping InsulinMeet the KIDS who pump insulin>

Letter to Teachers and Coaches

Tell your child's caretakers about diabetes. Click here for a

A child with diabetes can get a new lease on life with an insulin pump. Read the stories of success about these children who have been given back their childhood. -ed.

If you have a child that uses an Insulin Pump,
please e-mail his/her story to me at: Editor@Insulin-Pumpers.org

I will place it on the website. If you have a picture that would be great also.

Got questions? Don't be afraid to ask? e-mail us at Insulin-Pumpers and give your child a hand: Kid-Support@Insulin-Pumpers.org

Kids and Diabetes special hyperlinks
SUBSCRIBE to Parents_of_Pumpers@insulin-pumpers.org
Research showing the benefits of pumps for kids SUBSCRIBE to Parents_of_Pumpers@insulin-pumpers.org
Classroom attention in children with Type 1 diabetes mellitus Research showing significant improvement in on-task and off-task behavior in the classroom with stabilized blood sugar levels.
Positive aspects of pump therapy from the June 2005 ADA meeting in San Diego Abstracts from several papers presented showing the benefit of long term pump therapy for children.
Insulin pump therapy in the 21st century
Insulin pump therapy is effective in children of all ages in reducing incidence of hypoglycemia, reducing HbA1c levels and improvement in the ability individuals and families to cope with diabetes.
Insulin pump therapy in toddlers and preschool children with type 1 diabetes mellitus
HbA1c levels declined from 9.5% to 7.9%
Hypos declined from .52 to .09 epsiodes per month
Frequency of parental contacts with health personnel declined by more than 80%
Significant improvements in quality of life and high levels of satisfaction with pump therapy
Assessment of glycemic control in children ages 1 to 16 yo
Conclusion: With the change to CSII, HbA1c improved significantly after 6 wk of therapy.
CSII in the treatment of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus
Compared with conventional insulin treatment, improved glycaemic control and a reduced frequency of hypoglycaemic events were achieved with CSII
Insulin pump therapy in the 21st century. Strategies for successful use in adults, adolescents, and children with diabetes
Compared with MDI, CSII has better insulin pharmacokinetics, less variability in insulin absorption, and decreased risk of hypoglycemia
Selection for and initiation of continuous subcutaneous insulininfusion. Proceedings from a workshop.
The use of CSII has also been successful in preventing recurrent admission for diabetic ketoacidosis.
Diabetes management in the new millennium using insulin pump therapy
CSII has been shown to lower HbA(1c) levels reduce the frequency of severe hypoglycemia and limit excessive weight gain versus MDI without increasing the risk of diabetic ketoacidosis.
CSII therapy for children and adolescents: an option for routine diabetes care
CSII therapy is an appropriate option ... in routine pediatric diabetes care. It can effectively decrease the HbA(1c) and reduce hypoglycemic episodes...
CSII, a new way to lower risk of severe hypoglycemia, improve metabolic control, and enhance coping in adolescents with type 1 diabetes.
Despite lower HbA1c levels in CSII-versus MDI-treated patients, the rate of severe hypoglycemic events was reduced by almost 50% in the CSII group. Adolescents using CSII found coping with diabetes to be less difficult than adolescents using MDI
CSII in children and adolescents with chronic poorly controlled type 1 diabetes
During 1 year of CSII, hospital days decreased from 21 to 5 per patient and medical costs due to diabetes (including pump initiation) decreased from $29330 to $12762 per patient.
Metabolic control in young children with type 1 diabetes with CSII
...continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) provides good and sustained metabolic control in the youngest children with type 1 diabetes. Administering of that method from the very beginning of the diabetes treatment may decrease the risk of acute complications.
The 2 year study showed that children treated with CSII had statistically lower mean hbA1c's and a lower average daily insulin requirement than children treated with MDI
Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion in the treatment of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus
Compared with conventional insulin treatment, improved glycaemic control and a reduced frequency of hypoglycaemic events were achieved with CSII in those with particularly poor initial metabolic control (HbA1c >10.0%).
Insulin pump therapy for 1-6 year old children with type 1 diabetes
For very young diabetic children, insulin pump therapy improves quality of life and is feasible and safe. It should be considered as an optional mode of therapy for this age group.
Comparison of Pump Therapy vs MDI with Glargine
Lower HbA1c and premeal glucose levels were more achievable in this short-term study with pump therapy than with glargine-based MDI treatment.
Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion in toddlers and children with type 1 diabetes mellitus is safe and effective
This study supports CSII as a safe and effective alternative to managing T1DM, with no increase in hypoglycemia and a trend to improve control, even in the youngest patients.
Kids' academic performance improved, and their attention improved on an insulin pump
Pump Therapy for Children
with guidelines for pump initiation
Insulin Pump Therapy in Young Children With Diabetes
Stories about kids with diabetes that have a pump.
Allie, mom to Jayjay wrote:
"My 4 year-old son named his [pump] "Zero", because that's how many shots he has to take now."
Your story may assist and brighten the day for another child and their family. Send one to me! Editor@Insulin-Pumpers.org

These parents of diabetic children would be happy to answer your questions about pumping and kids.

Renee Bernett Rmhb1126@aol.com Melissa started pumping at 12
John Bowen and Nancy Morgan paradox@twave.net Jenna started pumping at 9
Judy Brooks jb120254@comcast.net Jake started pumping at 13
Barb Chafe barbchafe@ns.sympatico.ca Erica started pumping at 10
Linda Culumovic lculumovic@cogeco.ca Adam started pumping at 4
Judy Cunningham JCunning97@aol.com Megan started pumping at 5
Julie DeFruscio jdefrusc@nycap.rr.com Nikki started pumping at 3
Mary Demello meld2jpd@aol.com Chris started pumping at 8
Dan & Lisa Diener Diener905@lisco.net Spencer started pumping at 10
Roger & Kim Erickson Kim-Erickson@excite.com Sydney started pumping at 5
Dave and Barbara Harden DnBHarden@aol.com Heather started pumping at 8
Becky Hobbs kbhobbs@dfsi.net Nathan started pumping at 3 and Chelsey at 6
Kim Huffman KHuffman@pacific.net Stephanie started pumping at 9
Teresa Lansford tagl@webtv.net Brynn started pumping at 3
Richard Laurent rlaurent1@nc.rr.com Paul started pumping at 9
Barbi Lazarow Barbi@Lazarow.net Malcolm started pumping at age 4
Rose Lulla rosieposieL@juno.com Ravi started pumping at 10
Diane Massey dunham.massey@windstream.net Lauren started pumping at 12
Kristy Meanor rim@mnw.net Drew started pumping at 4 1/2
Liz McClung cuatfshzoo@aol.com Daren started pumping at 13
Carol O'Neil carol04@eircom.net Ben started pumping in Ireland at 1 yo.
Karen Ostrowski type1kids@yahoo.com Lauren started pumping at 6
Pamela Paslow paslowp@cs.rpi.edu Justin started pumping at 12
Pamela Polk teachitwell2000@yahoo.com Matthew started pumping at 7
Judy Premerlani Premerla@concentric.net Elissa started pumping at 3 now she is 21 (2002)
Robin and Mark Ramm Rammtoy@TRLonline.com Kevin started pumping at 11
Leisha Roberts Legalero@excite.com Jason started pumping at 14
Michael Robinton Michael@Insulin-Pumpers.org Lily started pumping at 11
Bridget Roe bbroe@earthlink.netm Mavrick started pumping at the tender age of 10 DAYS!
Betsy Sale salemailva@aol.com Stephanie started pumping at 8
Jeannie Schwertfeger Schwertfam@peoplepc.com Cody started pumping at 9
Kasey Sikes kaseyfs@comcast.net Kayla started pumping at 5
Kathy Spain Spainrk@aol.com Will started pumping at age 3
Ellen Ullman CamelsRFun@aol.com Zachary started pumping at 7 1/2
Kathryn Uhlman uhlman@kingwoodcable.com David started pumping at 8
Linda Janus-Vermeers LindaJV@wowway.com Liz started pumping at 14

There are many more parents of kids that pump on the mail list.
As of Monday, 08-Apr-2013 17:47:01 PDT, these children are pumpers:
These young people all use insulin pumps (there are more, I just 
don't know all their names and ages). The list below shows the 
child's age when added and their age when they started pumping.   

10 DAYS! baby boy Maverick
22 DAYS! baby girl Adya
 5 mos Niilo
 6 mos Evan #1
11 mos Harper
11 mos Alex (boy) #19
11 mos Campbell #1
12 mos Max #2
14 mos David #5
14 months Ailsa #1
14 months Ben #6
16 months Gail #2
17 mos Sigrid
17 mos Jessica #10
19 mos Marley
20 mos Varun (started at 14 mos )
20 mos Anthony #4
20 mos Kitty Mae
21 mos Cameron #2
22 mos Kendall #2
22 mos Aidan #1
22 mos Abby #2
23 mos Darren #2
23 mos Korina #1
26 mos Justin #6
29 mos Adian
 2 Arthur ( started at 13 mos )
 2 Mackenzie #1(started at 16 mos)
 2 Lily #2 (started at 17mos)
 3 Finn #1 (started at 16 mos)
 2 Hannah #1
 2 Zephyr
 2 Natalie #1
 2 Trevor #1
 2 Emma #1
 2 Sam #4
 2 Zachary #2
 2 Brian #7
 2 Andrew #5
 2 Hannah #6
 2 Joshua #3
 2 Mellicent
 2 Nikkolas
 2 Justin #4
 2 Anthony #3
 2 Nicole #3
 2 Kara #1
 2 Sebastian #1
 2 Kaitlyn #2
 2 Katherine #3
 2 Mollie #1
 2 Evelyn #1
 2 Zurik #1
 2 Connor #3
 2 Ewen #1
 2 Ben #7
 2 Dylan #2
 2 Noelle #1
 2 Luca #1
 2 MacKenzie
 3 Kailyn #1 (started at 2)
 3 Kyle #5 (started at 2)
 4 Amy #5 (started at 2)
 4 Nikko #1 (started at 2)
 5 Jenna #3 (started at 2)
 5 Nicholas #6 (started at 2)
 7 Sean #3 (started at 2)
 8 Marin #1 (started at 2)
 9 Giulia #1 (started at 28 mos)
 3 Savannah
 3 Nathan #5
 3 Emily #1
 3 Miles
 3 Stasi
 3 Donald
 3 Ethan #2
 3 Kari
 3 Andrew #4
 3 Rachel #5
 3 Nikki
 3 Bailey #1
 3 Austin #1
 3 Ryan #5
 3 Nicholas #3
 3 Rodney
 3 James #2
 3 Tori
 3 Sydne
 3 Madeline
 3 Sam #5
 3 Codi Lynn
 3 Ryan #7
 3 Joshua #1
 3 Allie #3
 3 Garrett #1
 3 Ryan #9
 3 Gabriel #1
 3 Gail #1
 3 Aiden #1
 3 Abigail #2
 3 Sadie #1
 3 Aiden #2
 3 Evan #4
 3 Jayden #1
 3 Natalie #4
 3 Cole #2
 3 Noah #4
 3 Adam #10
 3 Deborah #1
 3 Michelle #11
 3 Alex #17
 3 Peyton #1
 3 Isabella #3
 3 Grace #4
 3 Joshua #4
 3 Margot #1 (started at 2)
 4 Camryn #1 (started at 3)
 4 Tristan #1 (boy, started at 3)
 4 Alex #9 (started at 3)
 4 Sarah #4 (started at 3)
 4 Austin #2 (started at 3)
 4 Will #1 (started at 3)
 4 Adam #1 (started at 3)
 4 Cameron #4 (started at 3)
 5 Brooke #4 (started at 3)
 5 Ashley # (started at 3)
 6 Michelle #7 (started at 3)
 6 Cole #3 (started at 3)
 7 Aaron #6 (started at 3)
 7 Benjamin #4 (started at 3)
18 Ellissa (started at 3)
 4 Malcolm
 4 Andrew #1
 4 Genevieve
 4 Mark
 4 Victoria
 4 Brian #1
 4 Anna
 4 Trent
 4 Brian #4
 4 Andrew #2
 4 Christopher #10
 4 Jamie
 4 Jennifer #2
 4 Bretton
 4 Michelle #2
 4 Ian #2
 4 Damon
 4 Ashley #5
 4 Shannon #2
 4 Marit
 4 Cassidy
 4 JayJay
 4 Aaron #3
 4 Madison #1
 4 Elizabeth #4
 4 Brooke #3
 4 Brett #2
 4 Michelle #4
 4 Rachel #6
 4 Cole #1
 4 Tessa #1
 4 Nicole #2
 4 Adam #6
 4 Ben #4
 4 Michael #9
 4 Darby #1
 4 Abby #1
 4 Emma #3
 4 Andrea #3
 4 Avery #1
 4 Marissa #2
 4 Findley #1
 4 Jaxson #1
 4 Roberto #1
 4 Gabrielle #2
 4 Zackary #1
 4 Leah #1
 4 Grace #2
 4 Oliver #1
 4 Sammy #6
 4 Cassie #1
 4 Jonathon #1
 4 Jake #4
 4 Matt #10
 4 Gabrielle #3
 4 Austin #4
 4 Miriam #2
 4 Riley #2 (girl)
 4 Spencer #2
 4 Gavin #1
 4 Natasha #2
 5 Sierra #1 (started at 4)
 5 Riley #3 (boy -- started at 4)
 5 Max #3 (started at 4)
 5 Carson #1 (started at 4)
 5 Webb #1 (started at 4)
 5 Nick #1 (started at 4)
 5 Braden (started at 4)
 5 Evan #1 (started at 4)
 5 Drew (started at 4)
 6 Dawson (started at 4)
 6 Crystal #3 (started at 4)
 7 Tessa #3 (started at 4)
 8 Sophia #1 (started at 4)
 8 Rosalie (started at 4)
11 Grace #5 (started at 4)
 5 Kayla #1
 5 Amanda #1
 5 Kelly #1
 5 Elisabeth
 5 Jack #1
 5 Cooper #1
 5 Sam #3
 5 Skylar
 5 Ethan #1
 5 Riley #1
 5 Caitlyn #1
 5 Conner #1
 5 Brittany #3
 5 Alex (girl) #6
 5 Gabby
 5 Hannah #5
 5 Max #1
 5 Emily #7
 5 Danielle #3
 5 Megan #4
 5 Zach #3
 5 Drake
 5 Kayleigh
 5 Katie #8
 5 Matthew #5
 5 Jonathan #3
 5 Jacob #2
 5 Tian
 5 Zoe
 5 Rebecca #1
 5 Jordan #1
 5 Adrianna
 5 Conner #3
 5 Justin #5
 5 Maddy #1
 5 Alex #8
 5 Maria #2
 5 Brittany #7
 5 Nathan #4
 5 Will #2
 5 Dakota
 5 Callum #1
 5 Noah #3
 5 Joy #1
 5 Blake #2
 5 Grace #1
 5 Jackson #2
 5 Destiny #1
 5 Brynna #1
 5 Heath #1
 5 Ben #5
 5 Nicholas #5
 5 Rose #1
 5 Christopher #12
 5 Charlize #1
 5 Natalie #2
 5 Jayson
 5 Emily #13
 5 Jennifer #7
 5 Elliot #1
 5 Isabella #2
 5 Bowie #1
 5 James #6
 5 Alice #3
 5 Richie #1
 5 Colson #1
 5 Elsye #1
 5 Kiera #1
 6 Cooper #2 (started at 5)
 6 Alex #10 (started at 5) girl
 6 Megan #9 (started at 5)
 6 Noah #2 (started at 5)
 6 Taylor #6 (started at 5)
 6 June #1
 7 Jonah #1 (started at 5)
 7 Sarah #3 (started at 5)
 7 Rachelle (started at 5)
 7 Sam #1 (started at 5)
 7 Eliza (started at 5)
 8 Kayla #2 (started at 5)
 8 Kelsey #2 (started at 5)
 9 Gabrielle #4 (started at 5)
 9 Mustafah #1 (started at 5)
12 Griffin (started at 5)
 6 Miranda
 6 Emily #3
 6 Brendan
 6 Megan #2
 6 Jessica #1
 6 Jarrod
 6 Jason #1
 6 Sydney #1
 6 Amanda #2
 6 Laura #2
 6 Chelsey
 6 Katie #4
 6 Christian #1
 6 Coble
 6 Amanda #3
 6 Nolan
 6 Paddy
 6 Monica
 6 Paul #3
 6 Sam #2
 6 Dalton
 6 Matthew #2
 6 Paul #4
 6 Nate
 6 Nora
 6 Lawren
 6 Serena
 6 Luke
 6 Nicholas #1
 6 Jason #5
 6 Sean #2
 6 Leslie #1
 6 Laura #4
 6 Jeffrey #1
 6 Eliza
 6 Daniel #2
 6 Michael #8
 6 Lauren #8
 6 Griff
 6 Byron
 6 James #3
 6 Matthew #6
 6 Ashlin
 6 Kirsten #3
 6 Grant #2
 6 Elise #1
 6 Hannah #10
 6 Alex #12
 6 Cameron #3
 6 Maddie #1
 6 Marissa #3
 6 Cheyenne #1
 6 Maurice #1
 6 Samantha #3
 6 Heather #4
 6 Kyle #7
 6 Andrea #1
 6 Sorrel #1
 6 Sophia #2
 6 Dustin #1
 6 Jacob #4
 6 Crystal #5
 6 Elliot #6
 6 Caroline #2
 6 Hannah #12
 6 Gabe #1
 6 Kailan #1
 6 Tristan #2 (boy)
 6 Ben #8
 6 Connor #4
 6 Ross #1
 7 Mandy #1 (started at 6)
 7 Jesse #2 (started at 6)
 7 Katie #10 (started at 6)
 7 Chris #7 (started at 6)
 7 Emily #4 (started at 6)
 7 Cameron #1 (started at 6)
 7 Colton #1 (started at 6)
10 Bryan #6 (started at 6)
11 Jessie #3 (started at 6)
11 Gage #1 (started at 6)
13 Lauren #9 (started at 6)
 7 Brandon #3
 7 Rachel #4
 7 David #1
 7 Michael #1
 7 Corey
 7 Emily #2
 7 Connor #1
 7 Jason #2
 7 Michael #4
 7 Mike #5
 7 Mikko
 7 Nicole #1
 7 Kirk
 7 Hannah #2
 7 Colleen
 7 Melissa #2
 7 Brooke #1
 7 Alexis
 7 Alex #7
 7 Kathleen #2
 7 Jessica #5
 7 Claire #2
 7 Kelsey #1
 7 Laura #3
 7 Beau
 7 Timothy #1
 7 Annie #2
 7 Kayln
 7 Saylor
 7 John #1
 7 Megan #5
 7 Carly #1
 7 Flo
 7 Michael #7
 7 Brady #1
 7 Jeffery
 7 Hannah #7
 7 Shayla
 7 Emma #2
 7 Jack #3
 7 Haley #1
 7 Rachel #8
 7 Alec #1
 7 Meghan #1
 7 Sabrina #1
 7 Tamsyn #1
 7 David #6
 7 Sarah #6
 7 Abigail #1
 7 Isaiah #1
 7 Isabella #1
 7 Evan #3
 7 Charlie #1
 7 Kiley #1
 7 Bailee #1
 7 Amore #1
 7 Christian #3
 7 Chloe #2
 7 Sarah #8
 7 Jack #4
 7 Jessie #1
 7 Madison #2
 7 Alex #16
 7 Ashleigh #1
 7 Sydney #2
 7 Katie #11
 7 Grace #3
 7 Lucy #1 (started at 6)
 7 Jessica #14
 7 David #7
 7 Philip #3
 7 Owain #1
 7 Max #4
 7 Peter #2
 7 Paul #8
 7 Caleb #1
 7 Daniel #6
 8 Bella #1 (started at 7)
 8 Tyler #5
 8 Ryan #10 (started at 7)
 8 Bryan #5 (started at 7)
 8 Anneliese #1 (started at 7)
 8 Marc (started at 7)
 8 Jeremy (started at 7)
 8 Niko (started at 7)
 8 Matthew #4 (started at 7)
 8 Amelia 1 (started at 7)
 8 David #2 (started at 7)
 8 Amy #6 (started at 7)
 9 Chris #8 (started at 7)
 9 Evan #2 (started at 7)
10 Zach #1 (started at 7)
10 Hannah #13 (started at 7)
10 Joe #5 (started at 7)
11 Alex #4 (started at 7)
15 Nykolai #1 (started at 7)
 8 Nicola #1
 8 Laura #1
 8 Chris #6
 8 Marisa #1
 8 Jarrod
 8 TJ
 8 Allison #1
 8 Steven #1
 8 Stephanie #1
 8 Katie #1
 8 Michael #2
 8 Lauren #1
 8 Jackie
 8 Tanner
 8 Stephanie #4
 8 Amber #2
 8 Brianna #1
 8 Josh #1
 8 Aleks
 8 Angela
 8 Callie
 8 Gus
 8 Conner #2
 8 Joshua #2
 8 Brooke #2
 8 Morgan #1
 8 Johnny #2
 8 Allison #4
 8 Allie #2
 8 Dean #1
 8 Dylan #1
 8 Jacob #1
 8 Mary #2
 8 Kaycee
 8 Amelia #2
 8 Scott #3
 8 Theresa
 8 Kara #2
 8 Kyndel
 8 Teresa
 8 Shannon #3
 8 Jessy
 8 Marty
 8 Danielle #4
 8 Steven #5
 8 Kara #5
 8 Hannah #8
 8 Harry #1
 8 Jeremiah #1
 8 Sagi #1
 8 Tessa #2
 8 Patrick #1
 8 Virginia #1
 8 Phoebe #1
 8 Nick #4
 8 Kallan #1
 8 Bailey #2
 8 John #6
 8 Trevor #2
 8 Matthew #7
 8 Alex (boy) #13
 8 Kate #3
 8 Ruby #1
 8 Taylor #7
 8 Lauren #10
 8 Joel #1
 8 Benjamin #3
 8 Bailey #4 (boy)
 8 Poppy #1
 8 Colin #2
 8 Trevor #3
 8 Brandon #5
 8 Jesse #3
 8 Ellie #2
 8 Gunnar #1
 8 Charlie #2
 8 Paige #1
 8 William #2
 8 Matt #12
 8 Oscar #1
 8 Trevor #4
 8 Alex (boy) #20
 8 Marisa #2 (started at 4)
 9 Jessica #13 (started at 8)
 9 Casey #1 (started at 8)
 9 Krystyna (started at 8)
 9 Jack #5 (started at 8)
 9 Myles (started at 8)
 9 Danielle #5
 9 Ellen (started at 8)
 9 Christian #5
10 Joey #7 (started at 8)
10 Kayla #3 (started at 8)
10 Amy #7 (started at 8)
10 Molly (started at 8)
10 Andrew #7 (started at 8)
10 Sandy (started at 8)
10 Alyssa #2 (started at 8)
10 Bailey #3 (girl, started at 8)
11 Jessica #12 (started at 8)
11 Brady #2 (started at 8)
11 Brandon #4 (started at 8)
11 Angie (started at 8)
11 Josh #3 (started at 8)
12 Wesley #1 (started at 8)
 9 Chloe #1
 9 Stephanie #2
 9 Brandon #1
 9 Brandon #2
 9 Paul #1
 9 Jenna #1
 9 Joey #2
 9 Summer
 9 Matthew #1
 9 Padan
 9 Elaina
 9 Danny #3
 9 Katie #3
 9 Lucas
 9 Kap
 9 Josephine
 9 Kristina
 9 Lacey
 9 Taylor #5
 9 Chris #5
 9 Derek #1
 9 Sara #3
 9 Gabrielle #1
 9 Tiffany
 9 Hannah #3
 9 Eric
 9 Allison #2
 9 Nadine
 9 Kelly #2
 9 Lorraine
 9 David #4
 9 Kirsten #2
 9 Matthew #3
 9 Justine
 9 Alyssa #1
 9 Bryan #2
 9 Michelle #3
 9 James #1
 9 Mary #1
 9 Grant #1
 9 Andrew #6
 9 Ryan #6
 9 Andrew #8
 9 Kendall #1
 9 Caitlin #3
 9 Tyler #3
 9 Chandler #1
 9 Maeve #1
 9 Taylor #4
 9 Michael #11
 9 Austin #3
 9 Cleo #1
 9 Mikayla #1
 9 Christopher #11
 9 Liam #1
 9 Jennifer #6
 9 Tay #1
 9 Meghan #2
 9 Hunter #1
 9 Erica #2
 9 Reuben #1
 9 Adit #1
 9 Tia #1
 9 Sabina #1
 9 Bella #2
 9 Isabella #4 (started at 8)
10 Jacob #3 (started at 9)
10 Joey #8 (started at 9)
10 Blake #3 (started at 9)
10 Alyssa #3 (started at 9)
10 Courtney (started at 9)
10 Valerie (started at 9)
11 Chris #4 (started at 9)
11 Chase #1 (started at 9)
11 Steven #3 (started at 9)
11 Ben #2 (started at 9)
12 fLindsay #2 (started at 9)
12 John #5 (started at 9)
12 Kady (started at 9)
12 Audrie (started at 9)
13 Ian #3 (started at 9)
14 Nick #2 (started at 9)
15 Heather #3 (started at 9)
15 Amanda #7 (started at 9)
10 Jordin
10 Peter #1
10 Reed
10 Ravi
10 Spencer #1
10 Kim
10 Nikki
10 Katie #2
10 Erica #1
10 Michelle #1
10 Lindsey
10 Geneva
10 TJ
10 Alex #1 (boy)
10 Monica
10 Sunny
10 Kevin #3
10 Matt #5
10 Alex #2 (girl)
10 Nicola #2
10 Alisha
10 Emily #8
10 Taylor #2
10 Tim #2
10 Frankie
10 Sean #1
10 Michael #5
10 Lucas
10 Kathleen #1
10 Matt #6
10 Claire #1
10 Michael #6
10 Emily #5
10 Brian #5
10 Joseph #3
10 Stevie
10 Katie #5
10 Kaitlyn #1
10 Orly
10 Tomer
10 Joey #3
10 Ben #3
10 Katie #6
10 Lauren #5
10 Elizabeth #3
10 Ashley #4
10 Adam #4
10 Chris #3
10 Logan
10 Jessica #8
10 Sandy
10 Ricky
10 Chris #9
10 Kyle #4
10 Kali #1
10 Jesse #1
10 Demi
10 Robert #3
10 Emily #12
10 Damion #1
10 Rebekah #1
10 Tenley #1
10 James #5
10 Alex #11 (girl)
10 Kayse #1
10 Cody #1
10 Gemma #1
10 Tyler #4
10 Veronica #1
10 Mary Kate #1
10 Phoebe #2
10 Adam #9
10 Rachel #12
10 Sarah #9
10 Chase #2
10 Alice #2
10 Rusty #1
10 Georgia #1
10 Sparky #1
10 Anay #1
10 Maya #1
10 Chloe #4
10 Hanna #15
10 Grace #6
10 Anna #1
10 Hanna #16
11 Connor #2 (started at 10)
11 Olivia #1 (started at 10)
11 Michael #10 (started at 10)
11 Andrew #10 (started at 10)
11 Nicholas #4 (started at 10)
11 Matt #9 (started at 10)
11 Crystal #1 (started at 10)
11 Samantha #2 (started at 10)
12 Lauren #11 (started at 10)
12 Katherine #2 (started at 10)
12 Elizabeth #5 (started at 10)
12 Leanne (started at 10)
12 Brittany #4 (started at 10)
12 Laura #6 (started at 10)
13 Molly #2 (started at 10)
13 Darren #1 (started at 10)
13 Annelyse (started at 10)
14 Alex #14 (boy, started at 10)
15 Andrea #5 (started at 10)
11 Carlota
11 Kerri
11 Amy #1
11 Alex #3
11 Brian #2
11 Nate
11 Kevin #1
11 Marissa #1
11 Pamela
11 Ryan #4
11 Michael #3
11 Kevin #2
11 Joe #4
11 Justin #2
11 Allison #3
11 Anthony #1
11 Jonathan #2
11 Rachel #3
11 Jim
11 Keely
11 Kara #1
11 Drew
11 Victoria
11 Scott #1
11 Chris #2
11 Philip #2
11 Caitlin #1
11 Isabel
11 Brian #6
11 Ruth
11 Blake #1
11 Megan #3
11 Patricia #2
11 Adam #3
11 Jake #1
11 Megan #6
11 Megan #8
11 Melanie
11 Becca
11 Andrea #2
11 Rachel #7
11 Jenna #2
11 Emily #10
11 Jake #2
11 Mich
11 James #4
11 Andrew #9
11 Emily #11
11 Michelle #6
11 John #4
11 Haley #2
11 Lynn #1
11 Joseph #2
11 Frances #1
11 Joe #9
11 Morgan #2
11 Kohl #1
11 Erin #4
11 Sebastian #2
11 Rebecca #3
11 George #1
11 Daniel #7 (started at 7)
12 Emily #14 (started at 11)
12 Julie #1 (started at 11)
12 Natasha #1 (started at 11)
12 Nathan #3 (started at 11)
12 Jessica #11 (started at 11)
12 Kimmy (started at 11)
12 Amanda #4 (started at 11)
12 Brittany #1 (started at 11)
12 Erin #1 (started at 11)
13 Mich #1 (started at 11)
13 Mikey #12 (started at 11)
14 Malorie #1 (started at 11)
14 Stefanie #1 (started at 11)
14 Lily (started at 11)
14 Jake #5 (started at 11)
14 Brian #9 (started at 11)
15 Laila (started at 11)
16 McKenzie #1 (started at 11)
12 Lauren #3
12 Shelley
12 Rachel #1
12 Stephen
12 Eve #1
12 Ryan #1
12 Ryan #2
12 Greg
12 Jessica #2
12 Chris #1
12 Nathaniel #2
12 Ashley #1
12 Cara
12 Staisy
12 Alex #5
12 Mike #9
12 Karen
12 Aaron #1
12 Ben #1
12 Eileen
12 Robert #1
12 David #3
12 Maggie
12 Kristin #3
12 Samantha #1
12 Tara
12 Anthony #2
12 Palka
12 Jenny #2
12 Aaron #2
12 Kyle #3
12 Ty
12 Lauren #6
12 Josh #4
12 Brittany #5
12 Jessica #7
12 Lauren #7
12 Jessica #9
12 Jillian
12 Maria #1
12 Gregory
12 Zachary #4
12 Johnnathan #3
12 Michelle #5
12 Sarah #5
12 Jason #7
12 Dane
12 Laura #5
12 Adam #5
12 Christian #2
12 Lizandra
12 Stephanie #5
12 Trina #1
12 Stormie #1
12 Dan #4
12 Jake #3
12 Daniel #3
12 Alyna #1
12 Alice #1
12 Paul #7
12 Rebecca #2
12 Michelle #10
12 Alex #15 (boy)
12 Ethan #5
12 Makayla #1
12 Prisca #1
12 Llewelyn #1
12 Sarah #10
12 Tabs #1
12 Katie #12
12 Antoin #1
12 Kate #4
12 Laura #7
13 AJ (started at 12)
13 Alley (started at 12)
13 Joseph #1 (started at 12)
13 Emily #6 (started at 12)
14 Ethan #3 (started at 12)
14 Katelyn #1 (started at 12)
14 Natalie #3 (started at 12)
14 Katie #9 (started at 12)
14 Danni (started at 12)
14 Kait (started at 12)
14 Justin #1 (started at 12)
14 Jessica #6 (started at 12)
15 Benjamin #2 (started at 12)
16 Tyler #2 (started at 12)
17 Kyle #6 (started at 12)
13 Steven #2
13 Joey #6
13 Brittany #2
13 Ryan #3
13 Kelsie
13 Chelsey
13 Eric
13 Kilty
13 Eve #2
13 Amber #1
13 Jessica #3
13 Diana
13 Gregory
13 Sara #4
13 Jason #4
13 Taylor #3
13 Noah #1
13 Alissa
13 Jessica #4
13 Ashley #2
13 Danielle #2
13 Hannah #4
13 Allie #1
13 Ashley #3
13 Chrissy
13 Benjamin #1
13 Natalee
13 Marco
13 Caitlyn #2
13 Vicki
13 Tyler #1
13 Kirstin #4
13 Sophie
13 Keith
13 Scott #2
13 Matt #7
13 Leslie #2
13 Devin
13 Heather #2
13 Martin
13 Nick #3
13 Brianna #2
13 Dean #2
13 Kristin #4
13 Thomas #1
13 Savannah #2
13 Zach #5
13 Kathleen #3
13 Jennifer #5
13 Kevin #5
13 Jordan #2
13 Scott #4
13 Sarah #7
13 Zach #6
13 Rachel #9
13 Crystal #2
13 Tim #3
13 Steven #6
13 Ethan #4
13 Devon #1
13 Kale #1
13 Audrey #1
13 Ellie #1
13 Carly #2
13 Adam #8
13 Matt #11
13 Julie #2
13 Nicole #4
13 Lydia #1
13 Rebecca #4
13 Imogene #1
13 Hannah #14
14 Ginnie #1 (started at 13)
14 Miriam #1 (started at 13)
14 Lattany (started at 13)
14 Aaron #5 (started at 13)
14 Melissa #4 (started at 13)
14 Kevin #4 (started at 13)
14 Manda (started at 13)
14 Shannon #1 (started at 13)
14 Megan #11 (started at 13)
14 Philip #1 (started at 13)
14 Sara #5 (started at 13)
15 Kellen #1 (started at 13)
15 Adam #7 (started at 13)
15 Jaramyuh (started at 13)
15 Tess #2 (started at 13)
15 Kara #4 (started at 14)
15 Emily #9 (started at 13)
15 Amanda #6 (started at 13)
15 Melissa #3 (started at 13)
15 Jenny #1 (started at 13)
15 Jessie #2 (started at 13)
16 Kirsten (started at 13) #1
16 Lawrence #1 (started at 13)
17 Hannah #11 (started at 13)
28 Katie #7 (started at 13)
14 Ian #1
14 Dan #5
14 Inbal
14 Liz #6
14 Jason #3
14 Nathaneal #1
14 Candy
14 Andrea #1
14 Jill
14 Daniel #1
14 Lauren #2
14 Joie
14 Brett #1
14 Miranda
14 Paul #2
14 Danielle #1
14 Amber
14 William #1
14 Paul #5
14 Renna
14 Lindsay #1
14 Sarah #1
14 Mike #10
14 Amy #2
14 Jared
14 Cherie
14 Kyle #2
14 Robert #2
14 Andrew #3
14 Taylor #1
14 Tracy
14 Elizabeth #2
14 Lauria
14 Steve #4
14 Erin #3
14 Bryan #3
14 Aisha #1
14 Colin #1
14 Ian #1
14 Liz #7
14 Rachel #11
14 Dave #1
14 Kate #2
14 Whitney #1
14 Carolina #1
14 Hailey #1
14 Kaydee#1
14 Shelby #1
14 Scott #5
14 Jack #6
14 Chloe #3
14 Amy #8
14 Lauren #12
16 Rachaell #10 (started at 14)
16 Mandie (started at 14)
16 Bianca (started at 14)
16 Jim (started at 14)
16 Stephanie #3 (started at 14)
17 Jonathan #1 (started at 14)
15 Annie #1
15 Brian #3
15 Sara #1
15 Susan
15 Jennifer #1
15 Kristin #1
15 Vanessa
15 Reann
15 Candice
15 Elizabeth #1
15 Jenn
15 Spring
15 Kyle #1
15 Caitlin #2
15 Lauren #4
15 Paul #6
15 Jason #6
15 Jennifer #3
15 Annette
15 Amanda #5
15 Matt #8
15 Rissa (started at 9)
15 Brittany #6
15 Serge
15 Mimi
15 Ryan #8
15 Beakal
15 Brian #8
15 Hannah #9
15 Derek #2
15 Corri #1
15 Bean
15 Melinda #1
15 Adrian #1
15 Patrick #2
15 Paige #2
15 Alex #18
16 Christian #4
16 Erin #2 (started at 15)
16 Megan #7 (started at 15)
16 Adam #2 (started at 15)
17 Heather #1 (started at 15)
16 Bryan #1
16 Eric
16 Annie
16 Rachel #2
16 Sara #2
16 Amy #3
16 Melissa #1
16 Katherine #1
16 Kristin #2
16 Megan #1
16 Justin #3
16 Amy #4
16 Alexa
16 Levi
16 Breanne
16 Marc
16 Sarah #2
16 Allison #5
16 Bryan #4
16 Mike #11
16 Megan #10
16 Ashley #6
16 Michelle #8
16 Briana #1
16 Michelle #9
16 Travis #1
16 Whitney #2
17 Kara #3 (started at 16)

In addition, there are quite a few kids waiting for pumps
in the next few months.
There are 1157 children in the list above.

If you have a child with diabetes and would like to talk to other parents about the Insulin Pump, please contact Kid-Support@Insulin-Pumpers.org or visit the Insulin-Pumpers website.