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  Insulin Pumpers® provides information and support for adults and children with diabetes and their families interested in insulin pump therapy.  Pumpin' Kids
There is a special section devoted to children with diabetes and the stories about how an insulin pump has changed their lives.
CLICK: children with diabetes who use insulin pumps

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TSA - Passengers with Diabetes Related Supplies & Equipment
PDF - TSA procedures as they affect pumpers & other medical categories
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Search the web site FAQ's, HOWTO's, mail archives and the internet for information about diabetes.
 LINKS Diabetes and Insulin Pump sites. Lots of good Diabetes links
 FAQ'S FAQ's about Diabetes and Insulin Pumps Frequently Asked Questions about Diabetes
HOW-TO Diabetes and Pump HOWTO's Information on diabetes, basal rates, pumps, carbo counting and more...
LOGBOOK Make an INSULIN-PUMPERS Logbook Make your own diabetes logbook
 Pumpin' Kids Children who pump insulin Many stories about children with diabetes and their families
Pump Doctors Insulin Pumpers® Physician Referral Doctors that prescribe and use insulin pumps
 BOOKS BOOKS on Carbo Counting, Pumping and Diabetes. Books on diabetes and pumping
RECIPIES Food, Snacks, Diet, Carbo-counting and your Favorite recipes Food and diabetes
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Mission Fish
Animas 2020 Animas Home Page Pump Manufacturer
Phone in the US: 877-767-7373
Medtronic Paradigm Medtronic Diabetes homepage
Phone in the US: 800-933-3322
OmniPod OmniPod Insulin Management System
Phone in the US: 800 591-3455
Roche Insulin Delivery Systems Roche Insulin Delivery Systems
Phone in the US: 800-280-7801
Tandem t:slim Tandem Diabetes Home Page
Phone in the US: 1-877-801-6901

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