Insulin Pumpers and Insulin Pumpers Foundation are organized under California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law exclusively for charitable and educational purposes and are tax exempt publicly supported organizations as described under Sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. Their mission is to provide services, education and vital information to people with diabetes, their families, health care professionals and the public. Contributions qualify for the maximum deduction allowed under both California and United States revenue codes.If you would like to volunteer or contribute financial support to Insulin Pumpers, your gift of time or money would be greatly appreciated.
Insulin Pumpers
558 Valley Way
Milpitas, CA 95035
Check Status with the IRS
Search By "Organization Name"Tel: 408 942-7300
Fax: 408 942-7321
Please contact Michael Robinton, Executive Director
michael@Insulin-Pumpers.orgclick HERE to donate to Insulin Pumpers