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4. Editing with "joe"

joe is a powerful ASCII-text screen editor. It has a "mode-less" user interface which is similer to many user- friendly PC editors. Users of Micro-Pro's WordStar or Borland's "Turbo" languages will feel at home.

joe can be learned and used with a "minimum" of keystrokes and the keys "page-up, page-down, right-left-up-down arrow keys" to position the cursor. Note that on some terminal emulators, page-up and page-down do not always work - sigh....

The most important keys and the minimum set to get by with are listed below.

To start joe just type: joe < file name >
Almost all the commands you will use in joe start with
The most important of these is:

4.1 ctrl-k h * HELP

        ctrl-k h
brings up the help screen.
   Help Screen    turn off with ^KH    more help with ESC . (^[.)
 CURSOR           GO TO            BLOCK      DELETE   MISC         EXIT
 ^B left ^F right ^U  prev. screen ^KB begin  ^D char. ^KJ reformat ^KX save
 ^P up   ^N down  ^V  next screen  ^KK end    ^Y line  ^T  options  ^C  abort
 ^Z previous word ^A  beg. of line ^KM move   ^W >word ^R  refresh  ^KZ shell
 ^X next word     ^E  end of line  ^KC copy   ^O word< ^@  insert   FILE
 SEARCH           ^KU top of file  ^KW file   ^J >line SPELL        ^KE edit
 ^KF find text    ^KV end of file  ^KY delete ^_ undo  ^[N word     ^KR insert
 ^L  find next    ^KL to line No.  ^K/ filter ^^ redo  ^[L file     ^KD save
This screen lists almost everything you need to know to use joe.

You can turn off the help screen by typing

        ctrl-k h
a second time.

4.2 ctrl-k b * Mark beginning of a Block

This key sequence marks the beginning of a block of text to delete, move, copy, search, etc....

4.3 ctrl-k k * Mark the end of a blocK

This key sequence marks the end of aa block of text to delete, move, copy, search, etc....

4.4 ctrl-k y * Delete block

This key sequence deletes a marked block of text.

4.5 ctrl-k m * Move block

This key sequence moves a marked block of text to the current cursor position.

4.6 ctrl-k c * Copy block

This key sequence copies a marked block of text to the current cursor postion.

4.7 ctrl-k u * Top of file

This key sequence moves the cursor and viewing window to the top of file.

4.8 ctrl-k v * Bottom of file

This key sequence moves the cursor and viewing window to the bottom of file.

4.9 ctrl-k l * Goto Line nnn

This key sequence (ctrl-k little "L") moves the cursor to line number "nnn" where nnn is a number entered after the key sequence is pressed. You will be prompted for the number "nnn".

4.10 ctrl-k d * Save (as) do not exit

This key sequence allows you to save the file with the current or new file name without exiting the editor..

4.11 ctrl-k x * Save and eXit

This key sequence saves the current file and exits joe.

4.12 ctrl-k q * Quit, do not save

This key sequence quits joe. If the file has been modified, you are first prompted to see if you really want to quit without saving.

4.13 Pasting from other applications

Lastly, you can use the mouse copy and paste facility of your operating system environment to paste text into the telnet window at the current cursor position.

type "man joe" for detailed information about this command.

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