Ratio Calculator
Insulin Pumper's Ratio Calculator
Version 1.04, last updated 3/21/99.
The Insulin Pumper's Ratio Calculator is made available to you in the
hope that you may find it useful.
This tool calculates the ratio of the numbers entered into the boxes.
No guarantee or warranty of accuracy is given, or suitability for use
implied by making this tool available. Use of this tool is AT YOUR
OWN RISK. You should consult with your physician and health
care team when making changes to your insulin regimen.
You may also wish to read:
The three ratios used when carbohydrate counting are listed below.
Blood Sugar / Insulin - ratio { BG/I }
the number of blood sugar points lowered by a unit of insulin
Carbohydrate / Insulin - ratio { CARB/I }
the amount of carbohydrate required for each unit of insulin
Blood Sugar / Carbohydrate - ratio { BG/CARB }
the number of blood sugar points raised by one gram of carbohydrate
Any two of the ratios that are known can be used to calculate the remaining
However, it is more informative to use all three known and measured values
to calculate what the ratios should be based on their mathematical
to one another. This will tell you how far off the values are that you
on a day to day basis.
The ratios have a FIXED mathematical relationship to each other
as follows:
Blood Sugar BG CARB BG
to -- = ---- X ----
Insulin ratio I I CARB
Carbohydrate CARB BG / I
to ---- = ---------
Insulin ratio I BG / CARB
Blood Sugar BG BG / I
to ---- = --------
Carbo ratio CARB CARB / I
Use the handy Ratio Calculator below to check your ratios.
Copyright (c) 1998, Michael A. Robinton and Insulin Pumpers