Protein, Fat, and Blood Sugar
General information on protein and fat and how they can effect your blood
sugar levels ... the pizza effect and some tips to compensate.
HOWTO estimate your Carbo to
Insulin ratio
Use the 450 Rule (from Stop the Rollercoaster) to estimate the number of
grams of carbohydrate for each unit of
insulin taken at mealtime.
Pocket Guide to Infusion Site ManagementPictures and instructions by
Roche - AccuChek for the application of various infusion sets including the
Tender/Silhouette/Comfort set. Young (small) or
thin individuals probably do not want to apply at the recommended 30-45
degree angle. 15-30 degrees may be more appropriate.
HOWTO deal with High
Blood Sugar
the 1500 RULE developed by Paul Davidson, M.D. It shows how far your
blood sugar is likely to drop per unit of short-acting insulin.