Pumping Insulin Chat Highlights

last updated Wednesday, 16-Dec-2009 10:10:12 PST
Medicare Part D.  12/05/05
 Advanced Diabetes Supply
 Tim Cady and Dr. Gerald Graf
THINSet infusion set and LEUR LOCK reservoirs compatible with Paradigm pumps  12/01/05
 Fifty50 Pharmacy
 Rick Lynch and Jerry Munden
Orbit 90 infusion set  11/10/05
 Orbit Infusion Sets
 Kirk Ramey
Getting Through the Holidays  11/7/05
 Joe Solowiejczyk, RN, MSW, CDE
THINSet infusion sets and Medtronic compatible ThinSetT 1.8 and 3.0 ml Syringe Reservoirs that accept LEUR LOCK sets  10/03/05
 Advanced Diabetes Research/Fifty50 Pharmacy
 Jerry Munden
SimpleChoice Twist infusion set  9/22/05
 Carol Duffy and Jeff Allen
Teens and Effective Parenting for the Child with Diabetes  9/22/05
 Joe Solowiejczyk, RN, MSW, CDE
Back to School Pumping -- do you have a 504 plan?  9/22/05
 Heather Perdue-Smith, MS, RD, LD, CDE and Ryan Gagnon, RN, BSN, CDE
Discussion about New Products plus stuff for kids on pumps.  7/11/05
 Jerry Munden
The OmniPod Insulin Management System.  6/16/05
 Insulet Corporation
 Rob Campbell and Sarah Tanaki
Discussion about new technology coming from Animas with images.  6/6/05
 Audrey Finkelstein and Barbara Montgomery
The FDA letter regarding Dana pump and the new pump that they will be coming out with.  8/19/04
 Sooil USA Home Page
 Ruth Ferry
The new Inset infusion set.  7/20/04
 Barbara Montgomery, Jim McGee
Discussion of infusion sets  6/21/04
 John Odegard, Nikki Smith
General discussion on diets  5/11/04
 Kathy Stone
Animas IR1200, includes pictures of screens  5/4/04
 Barbara Montomery,
Frio cases  4/25/04
 Lisa Katzki, RN
General discussion about different products and supplies, costs and insurance.  3/29/04
 Advanced Diabetes Supply
 Tim Cady
Medicare and Medi-Cal benefits and how they cover pumps and pump supplies.  2/9/04
 Advanced Diabetes Supply
 Tim Cady
Features of the new IR1200 pump with pictures. Scott’s experience wearing the IR1200  2/3/04
 Barbara Montgomery, Audrey Finkelstein, Bob Burnett, Scott Scolnick
General discussion Features and pictures of Amigo pump.  1/12/04
 Sandy Schwartz, Codom