All about Insulin Pumpers for adults and children with diabetes®
Support and Information for Adults and Children with Diabetes
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Insulin Pumpers provides support and information about insulin pumps and other innovations in the field of diabetes.

Insulin Pumpers has on-line forums with thousands of members, living all around the world.

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Living with insulin-dependent diabetes presents constant challenges. Deciding what to eat for breakfast, monitoring of blood sugar levels and correct dosages of insulin all require careful thought. Nothing comes easy, and yet, people living with insulin-dependent diabetes often go unnoticed.

Insulin Pumpers was founded on the belief that nobody should have to deal with their condition alone. Whether they don't have the income to pay for expensive medical supplies, need advice on finding a qualified doctor, or simply need support and sympathy from others in the same boat, we are committed to helping people with diabetes overcome their challenges.

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Type 1 diabetes can afflict both children and adults at any stage in their lives. It develops unexpectedly and creates a lifetime dependence on injected or pumped insulin. Many people that develop Type 2 diabetes also become insulin dependent. Without constant control and observation, insulin dependent diabetes can lead to severe complications. Along with a healthy dose of courage and perseverance, patients (and the parents of children) with insulin-dependent diabetes need to be mathematicians, physicians, personal trainers, and dietitians to achieve the balance needed to live a normal life.

Everyone wants the best diabetes care possible for themselves and their loved ones. Intensive diabetes management has been proven to significantly improve the quality of life and reduce long-term complications for people with diabetes. Insulin pump therapy can provide intensive insulin therapy that fits the varied lifestyle needs of adults as well as children and teens with insulin-dependent diabetes. In addition, insulin pump therapy has been shown to reduce the risk of hypoglycemia compared to intensive insulin therapy using multiple daily injections

Since 1997, Insulin Pumpers has been developing a community where thousands of people with diabetes and their families gather the support, information and courage they need to try and live a normal life with the help of technology and insulin pump therapy. Newly diagnosed patients and people interested in starting on an insulin pump can browse our extensive database of qualified, pump-friendly endocrinologists to make sure they are getting the best possible care. We have helped hundreds of people with information to appeal and overturn service denials from their insurance companies that refused to pay for an insulin pump or medical supplies needed to sustain quality of life. Countless families have come to us for information on how to enforce their child's 504 education plan, a federal statute requiring schools to accommodate children with diabetes without disrupting their learning experience. Every day Insulin Pumpers provides pump related emergency medical supplies to uninsured and economically distressed diabetics who have no other options.

The value of the Insulin Pumpers network also extends into the little things that make up day to day life. People struggling to deal with Type 1 or insulin-dependent Type 2 diabetes can connect with others who know what it is like to have to poke themselves with a needle multiple times every day, or sit on the bench for the championship baseball game because of a low blood sugar. From simple questions, such as “What should I do with my insulin pump when I go swimming or play sports? to the more nuanced and problematic, like, Why does my blood sugar always get high right before I go to bed? or, What is the right insulin dose for a chocolate chip cookie? Odds are that there is someone out there with the real world experience that can provide an answer on how they solved the same problem.

Please take a moment to visit the Testimonials page where you will find stories of people whose lives have been touched by Insulin Pumpers. To thousands of people who have been affected directly or indirectly by diabetes, Insulin Pumpers is a lifeline. For many people, we are an extended family, whose support, friendship and collective experiences help them lead happier and more fulfilling lives.

Here at Insulin Pumpers we have developed a three tiered approach to helping insulin-dependent diabetics get the information, care and medical supplies they need. The first level of contact for most people with diabetes who come to us for help is our network consisting of thousands of members who connect and communicate over the internet. On our website, Insulin Pumpers collects both personal experience, the experience of medical professionals, and the life experience of our members, distill and records that experience and makes it available to assist with the tasks and problems associated with living with diabetes.

People with diabetes looking for advice on finding a qualified doctor, learning about new treatment options, dealing with complicated medical insurance claims and other important information that are not readily available, frequently visity our website and forums help. Our staff members cultivate relationships with diabetes related medical suppliers to obtain the most recent and up-to-date information about developments in diabetes management. In addition, they attend national science meetings and expositions to gather information about new treatments, management techniques, technology and potential cures for diabetes. On our website, we maintain a database of qualified endocrinologists all over the country and the world. All of this information is made available to anyone, free of charge.

In 2005, Insulin Pumpers developed an initiative to provide medical supplies to insulin pump users who otherwise (loss of employment, no health insurance, low income) cannot afford to pay for them. Participants in the program are usually referred to Insulin Pumpers by their medical team or the customer service departments of one of the pump companies. To operate, this program relies entirely on donated funds and supplies, which are provided to qualifying program participants with only a small provisioning fee. The program has not been promoted publically and is currently at capacity. There is simply too much demand for us to address with our existing resources.

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You are welcome and encouraged to participate in our community, click the JOIN button above and select the particular topic of interest to you. To help support our mission of service to the diabetes community, click on the DONATE button above to contribute supplies, pumps, an old car, or a few dollars. Any thing at all will help and would be appreciated.

We hope that Insulin Pumpers can be of service to you.

Michael Robinton
Executive Director

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